What’s Cooking? [NOT 11/1/22]

Hi, friends!

What’s on the menu this week? Anything new you’re trying? Anything not in the usual rotation that you’re making because of weather or whatever other reasons?

I’m throwing 2 uncommon for me meals into the rotation. One is super lazy – I bought the big pack of tortellini from Costco and tossed that with some sauce and made some veggies for the sides. The other meal I’m going to enjoy leftovers for days is some roasted pork shoulder that I’m going to shred and make burrito bowls with.

This is all part of my “jesus christ stop eating take out several times a week and save some money and quit wasting food” plan.



  1. I updated the copyright. Thanks for the @.

    I have curry and chili meal-prepped for the week(s). I also have enough ingredients stored/blanched/frozen to make my spinach/lentil soup, chili, and curry about 10 times each. I’m all set.

    I need to mix it up a bit but I am afraid that if I do I will end up obsessing over having even more ingredients prepared ALL THE TIME…which wouldn’t be, in any way, sustainable.

    Also, how the fuck did you get that featured image to fit?

  2. I had veggies with soba noodles for dinner tonight. Tomorrow is grilled salmon, again. I eat a lot of salmon. I bought some bulgur today, I’m going to do something with that later this week, probably have it with some veggies.

  3. Making some marinara right now & turkey meatballs, will serve with pasta & garlic bread.  A little unmotivated since my foodies left.  I have a bunch of spinach I need to use so maybe chicken Rama tomorrow?

  4. Our new fridge arrives tomorrow, so our meals have been, uh, haphazard at best. Once the new guy gets here, I’m looking forward to getting groceries and resuming meal planning and cooking. The things we take for granted.

    • You should have done what one of my friends did. They decided to completely redo their kitchen. They lived in a prewar co-op, so this screwed with everything. This was also in New York, so everything took twice as long and cost three times as much as it would in a more civilized burg. But they had a plan for this. They scheduled it over a summer, so my friend took the kids and decamped to their place “out east” (one of the nicer Hamptons towns) for the duration, and her husband moved into his club (The Harvard Club, of course) so he could work long hours during the week and visit them on the weekend.

      This was the summer of 2012, not 1912.

  5. tjap tjoy!

    normally chicken tjap tjoy…which is just fun to say…but i live with a bunch of herbivores…so its mushroom tjap tjoy now

    it delicious even without chicken

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