Hi, friends!
What’s new in your world? We’re through Thursday, the weekend is beckoning.
My lil kale that won’t die is coming back up in a few places. That means the initial 6 pack of plants I put in the garden in fall 2021, which came back in spring 2022, and then I forgot and it self-seeded and came back again in fall 2022, is just still trying. Looks like only 2 seedlings so far and tonight’s low is 12 degrees F (-11 C), so chances are it might finally need replacing with new starts next month from the plant store.
-27C wind chill.
Looking forward to calm of night shift and away from insanity of days.
I saw a second hawk killing in our backyard this winter. It flew off from a pile of sticks with something in its beak, and when I went to see where it had been there were a bunch of feathers. From the color, I think it was a mourning dove.
Snackie time for the hawk!
I see feathers sometimes in the yard near the bird feeder, but I don’t know if it’s hawks, owls, or stray cats.
It’s brutal as hell, but if the doves are going to flat out loiter in my yard, it’s hard to know what to say.
It will be a low of 12 F here tomorrow; it will be in the 50s all next week starting Sunday. Can you say sinus headaches?
I have 15 yo girl problems to the point that I might actually feel something…maybe even a feeling…for once.
And it is definitely probably most likely has to be can’t be anything else but anger. And it fucking sucks.
It’s turning me all upside down and backwards. Way worse than internal road rage which was what used to be the closest I ever got to anger.
Not taking care of yourself in any way for your entire life is a result of…things…which are hard. Caring about someone is WAY harder.
WAY harder.
It can be downright painful.
I understand why my dad and I used to fight all the time. He didn’t want me to do stupid things and fuck things up but I thought I was being smart (and wasn’t.)
Musashi, the great Japanese samurai/poet once allegedly wrote: Death is as light as a feather, but duty is a mountain.
Easy to say you love someone, hard to care. Caring will never be easy.
@Myopicprophet hugs. Be kind to yourself.
To put this in perspective, the George Washington Bridge took four years to build. The Empire State Building took 13 months. The Chrysler Building took less than two years.
It’s a copy of what they have in Chicago. And the original only took 14 months!
There is something seriously wrong with the leadership/management class in America. This is much worse than other countries.
Except England. They’ve become infected like us.
Linked in that article is this one:
This kind of thing doesn’t happen when fancy-dreaming architects know they have to answer to practical-minded funders. A lot more work goes into proposals before these things happen. But the people who hold the purse strings in this country are absolutely clueless, vain, lazy, and stubborn.
You can say the same in a lot companies. I see it where I work.
This week, I brought up an issue to management, a quite important issue that was bothering me most of last week and early this week. I decided “fuck it” I will act (usually big mistake for me personally but the right thing to do anyway–no good deed goes unpunished.) I ended up sending an email to a manager requesting action be done as it is in that person’s Area of Responsibility. I got told in a condescending manner that production management is aware and they (allegedly) put in a request. Suspecting they didn’t, I put in the maintenance request anyway after I got lectured about following the chain of command rather than jerking the chain (I’m an apologize after the fact rather than seek permission from the stunted kind of guy-which is a damn good reason why I’m not a popular guy among managers) as it immediately became a flaming hot potato that landed on someone’s sack. Found out they did not act as they merely “discussed” it. My request was the only one sent/actioned apparently.
After watching my life almost get flushed down the toilet because of smug, vainglorious, vain, lazy stupid idiot managers (Nortel), I don’t tolerate that type of manager’s fucking bullshit anymore and won’t let them fuck me over again. If I go down in flames I’m going down fighting.
There’s something to be said for the old fashioned apprentice system where nobody reaches the top without mastering the most mundane grunt work at the bottom.
And not just the three month stint, but years of it.
Yup. Never understood the 2 years and up that certain MBA programs push (looking at you Queen’s and York among many others.)
2 years is just barely enough time to learn how to do the job without tripping over land mines (unless you’re one of the rare brilliant folks, but they’re way rarer than the manager types who think they are.)
I learned… that most skills are earned with blood, sweat and toil. Too many managers are shallow dipshits who don’t care (there’s that damn word again) and don’t want to learn the necessary skills of the people they “manage.” No scars, no pain, no actual skill sets. Just a dilettante climbing the ladder on the way to C-suite.
Leadership is harder because you have to bleed, sweat and feel the pain (and care about the people you work with/who work for you) to EARN that precious experience and knowledge. But these fools don’t want that.
This lack of skills reminds of a scene from Sam Peckinpah film “Cross of Iron.”
Corporal Steiner (miscast James Coburn) throws his way too ambitious/glory hound lieutenant (Maxamillian Schell) a submachine gun and he doesn’t know what to do with it as the Russians are storming their position. Steiner just laughs and laughs and laughs.
That was a fun read.
I stopped when I read Anish Kapoor and was like oh yeah the douchebag with the vantablack rights.
ordering a new fridge after work today….mostly using coupons ive collected for overtime last year (multipurpose coupons….wonderful things)
having a new non leaky fridge is way more happy making to me than i would have thought possible just a few years ago
unrelated… my immortal now at least 10 year old rhubarb is already coming up again….it does not give a fuck about what the temperatures or weather does…freezing/flooding/drought/heatwave…no care…that thing just comes up and grows
@Farscythe congratulations on the fridge! Do you make rhubarb pie? If so, recipe?
@elliecoo i dont… but the missus makes rhubarb crumble
i’ll see if i can get my hands on the recipe
@elliecoo seems the missus doesnt have a recipe and more or less makes it up on the spot based on how her mum used to make it
soooo….i think ill go take that as a challenge accepted to make my own rhubarb pie i havent got a recipe for yet as i do kinda feel like baking something before the weather warms up
assuming i dont fail spectacularly ill throw it in as a rogue fyce sometime this month
@Farscythe, I adore rouge recipes! Have at it!
I spent the evening perusing the local dog rescue websites, just seeing who’s out there, and ended up finding this cute little girlpup;
Told my roommate it’s a good thing I’m not *quite* financially stable enough yet to get a dog–otherwise there’d be an excellent chance little miss Zuma would be at our apartment by Saturday night!😉😁🤣
She’s SO CUTE!!! And with that cross of *both* Newfie and Lab, she’s probably gonna be an absolute sweetheart of a dog, and excellent temperament-wise, as she gets older & bigger, too!
Double post, sorry. I didn’t see the first
She’s adorable! I love her markings and look at that little face. 🥰
I’m always in favor of adopting a dog. Here’s hoping that you will soon have the means to do so!