Where do we go now? [DOT 17/12/19]


OK…so let’s get the preliminaries out of the way…I mean, you can’t have that title & not deal with the Guns&Roses reference at some point…it’s like Chekov’s Gun all over again…& I’m not sure how I feel about the Roses part, to be honest…

sure they’re a brand of assorted candy (or “sweets”) over in the UK which sounds harmless enough…but those always end up with just a few of the ones nobody actually wants stubbornly sitting in the bottom of a box selfishly denying your whole house the moral justification to resupply with better candy…& more to the point…

…so…where were we? & where do we go, now?

Oh, yeah – nobody entirely seems to know, do they? Not in terms of “the bigger picture” & certainly not if you’ve found your way here.

first one to find the lake of whiskey…tell the rest of us, yeah?

It’s not so much that we’re the blind leading the blind, exactly…in a technical sense our own resident nearly-blind-man offsets the visual impairment by simply having the foresight to have some foresight to make up for the near-sight…

which is to say that if you encounter any kind of technical hitches & glitches he has the misfortune to be your first port of call…


I know there were one or two folks who had some trouble getting comments to register yesterday – although I think/believe/hope they all got straightened out in the end – but if you try to post something & it doesn’t seem to go the way you expect do drop the non-profit prophet there a line & he’ll once more prove that if there’s no rest for the wicked he must have been very wicked indeed in a past life…or two…

…he’s much friendlier than Walter (& I’d like to think we’re a little beyond playing with pagers at this point) but despite the best efforts of “the jesus” he’s done yeoman’s work laying out a place for the likes of the DUAN* to abide in a herb-free environment…& with no chemical pesticides, even

[* – don’t let the “sports” tag throw you off…it’s all about the music for the DUAN crew & all are welcome, even me…& I know embarrassingly little about sportsball of all varieties…or any of the non-ball-sportsball ones, really…still know it’s spelled S-P-O-R-T-S-ball, though…so I know I’m not a total sprot-for-brains herb, at least]

…have a heart, though…we all like to bitch about Kinja but the truth is that while the experience of being a Kinja user is/was a frustrating & often infuriating one…the platform itself has a lot of things in its favor.

to be on plan B, you say…?

I mean, there’s more than the one tech support guy over there who knows what they’re doing, for a start…so you could also paste any old link into a post on that platform & it would instantly format & overwrite that link with a preview that looked like you knew what you were doing & made the point of pasting the link obvious at a glance without needing to click through…all in one instant package…not always in the comment sections but certainly ATL – & that’s just one example.

WordPress…not so much…yet…hence the lack of rest for he-who-sees-what’s-coming-right-at-him. Try not to imagine how shoddy these meager efforts of mine would look if he was getting his beauty sleep instead…I have at least some pride, you know…swear I did…where was it now…anyway…so I can’t lay my hand on it right now…but I know I put it somewhere safe…thanks for asking

…so whilst it might be nice to get notified when things happen the way you do when you log into Kinja…that’s going to be a minute, we’re afraid…or at least until whatever combinations of device/browser that currently bork some people’s comments has been dispatched to the “resolved” pile & the poor bespectacled oracle gets time to consider that *more* notifications might be a good thing…if, say, they were going to people other than him for a change…

But we should probably be clear about one thing from the get go…
…due to the vagaries of plug-ins, freebies, widgets & whatsits (& the general cheapskate ethos we’re running with since nobody’s paying for anybody to while away the hours doing any of this…) I regret to inform you that unless or until something substantial shifts in terms of how they get to be there in the first place there won’t be any notifications about people starring your comments.

Depending on how you look at it one might argue that on that basis they’re sort of more meaningful…to award the thing without knowing if the gesture will ever be acknowledged (much less reciprocated) is surely the more noble gesture, wouldn’t you say…?

pretty noble, huh…?

…no need to look at me that way – I was only asking.


  1. Test comment number three:

    Can I successfully post a link to an external site, such as this WaPo story about the Mormon church ripping off its sheeple for billions, followed by a copy/past quote from that article?


    The complaint was filed by David A. Nielsen, a 41-year-old Mormon who worked until September as a senior portfolio manager at the church’s investment division, a company named Ensign Peak Advisors that is based near the church’s headquarters.

    Nonprofit organizations, including religious groups, are exempted in the United States from paying taxes on their income. Ensign is registered with authorities as a supporting organization and integrated auxiliary of the Mormon Church. This permits it to operate as a nonprofit and to make money largely free from U.S. taxes.

    • I read this in WAPO this morning. For the whistleblower and his brother to go up against the Mormon church shows huge cajones. Especially given the indoctrination they have probably been raised with. I hope they get a nice chunk of change if the IRS gets their back taxes. If Churches want to be political (see the Catholics up in the business of healthcare and the ACA etc.) then they should be taxed.

  2. Test comment number four:

    Can I note that test comments one through three have been successful, and also note that test comment number five will be to post the same link and quote that I was unable to post multiple times yesterday?

  3. Test comment number five:

    Hey, check out this article about Hallmark correctly backtracking on their shit decision:


    And this quote from said article:

    “The Crown Media team has been agonizing over this decision as we’ve seen the hurt it has unintentionally caused,” Hallmark CEO Mike Perry said in a statement Sunday night. “Said simply, they believe this was the wrong decision.”

    “Hallmark will be working with GLAAD [Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation] to better represent the LGBTQ community across our portfolio of brands,” the statement continued. “The Hallmark Channel will be reaching out to Zola to reestablish our partnership and reinstate the commercials.”

  4. Test comment number six:

    This is a comment intended to note that test comment number five has failed. Upon clicking “POST COMMENT,” the page refreshed and the comment has not been posted.

    • This I have yet to find a solution for so please bear with me…and pm me the comments you are trying to make and the locations of where you’re trying to post them every time it happens (if you wouldn’t mind). The issue is intermittent so I need all the help I can get to find the cause(s).

    • Screen grabs can be surprisingly large files, comparatively, so it might be that the file size is exceeding a limit (if there is one, I dunno) but if you try attaching a file you know is small, and it works, that’s likely the culprit. I have gotten a vague failure message on Disqus many times, before I figured out it was always file size that was the problem.

  5. Test comment number ten:

    Ok, I can still post, but attachments are also no good.

    For what it’s worth, the error was different. I got a “404 not found” instead of the page just refreshing.

    Test comment 11 will be just the URL from the CBS news story, while test comment twelve will be just the text.

  6. Test comment twelve:

    I should note first that test comment eleven was the first comment to say, “Your comment is awaiting moderation.” All others posted immediately (or not at all)

    Anyhoo, here’s the text I was copy/pasting:

    “The Crown Media team has been agonizing over this decision as we’ve seen the hurt it has unintentionally caused,” Hallmark CEO Mike Perry said in a statement Sunday night. “Said simply, they believe this was the wrong decision.”

    “Hallmark will be working with GLAAD [Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation] to better represent the LGBTQ community across our portfolio of brands,” the statement continued. “The Hallmark Channel will be reaching out to Zola to reestablish our partnership and reinstate the commercials.”

  7. Test comment thirteen:

    Two things: First, test comment eleven is the first comment to say, “Your comment is awaiting moderation.” All other comments immediately posted (or didn’t post at all.)

    Second, test comment twelve did not post at all. It was, again, merely a copy/paste of some text from the CBS News article.

    This should give you IT savvy folks enough information to figure out the problem, I hope? I should probably do some work now.

  8. I really appreciate everyone’s hard work. I realize we’ll be working out some kinks. I am continually impressed and heartened by the people who want to keep the Splinter/Deadspin communities alive. I’ve been active in the Discord but this is definitely more the type of thing I’d like to see.

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