…maybe I’m just having a bad day
…I mean, it’s 2020…what hasn’t it tried fucking with?
…& while we’re on the subject of shit fucking with shit we generally prefer not having to think about lest the implications sink in
President Donald Trump declined on Wednesday to disavow the QAnon movement, saying the followers of the extreme conspiracy theory oppose violent protests, and “I’ve heard these are people who love our country.”
When reminded by a reporter for NBC News that the movement’s followers believe he is fighting to stop a satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals, he asked: “Is that supposed to be a bad thing?”
…yes, you blithering, bloviating, bathetic bigot…if for one fleeting moment you could bring yourself to comprehend the smallest sliver of fucking context & introduce it to this quaint thing a lot of us are fond of calling “reality”…”that” is supposed to be “a bad thing” pretty much from the exact moment you fail to preface your remarks about it with even the most cursory “yeah, but c’mon – that’s batshit fucking nuts from the ground up…” literally every part of “that” isn’t just supposed to be a bad thing…it fucking is several different kinds of a bad thing all rolled together into a big ball of it’s-a-bad-fucking-thing…& it has friends
…& they have friends even offline
…friends who sometimes play a little fast & loose, even
…whereas pretty much all the folks I know are struggling to remember the days when the other kind of days were even in stock
…I guess maybe none of us know the right people
…so…that’s great…& definitely not something to worry about or anything
…so…what with having nothing else to worry about & all…obviously I’ve still been thinking about the thing the other day with AOC & that whole rote-nomination-of-bernie thing
…&…well, it had me thinking about some of the things we say or do “for form’s sake” that act sort of like an incantation to instill legitimacy…& I know, I know…eyes rolling spontaneously…possibly while glazing over…but absurd & arguably pointless as it might on one level be to have the guy who spent the last few weeks campaigning as the party’s candidate “accept” the nomination
…it’s also important to observe the formalities
…you can’t just say someone is a legitimate candidate for president merely because they expressed an interest in running for the gig…although it turns out you can install someone manifestly unequal to the task & expect the resultant mass delusion that anything at all about the situation makes sense to just about stretch as far as the next term of office in the minds of a truly staggering number of at least superficially autonomous adult human beings despite them living in a modern first world nation
…& the next thing you know there’s a global crisis & people dying all over the shop & you know you ordered a president before lockdown but all that’s been delivered is a largely unintelligible but woefully vainglorious imbecile whose inherited privilege has been entrenched enough to maintain the fiction of being founded in wealth & personal acumen despite a decades long career spent serially demonstrating such an alarming ineptitude with business as to tank several fortunes & wind up with most of the family finances in hock up to their eyeballs to OG Russian interests
…actually, despite what the link says they list six…& I think claiming they’re revelations isn’t likely to wash if you’ve been playing along at home since before Bill Barr tried summarizing the Mueller Report…so while it’s heartening to hear that someone floated the idea of a Presidential Crimes Commission
…I’d kind of like to see the terms for the use of the term “presidential” tightened up a little going forward…if it’s not too much to ask…because the thing I think we all know, at heart, is that since the Obamas left the White House there hasn’t been a President of the United States
…how could there be?
…there’s a guy we’ve all been referring to that way but he’s never actually done the fucking job
“He never did,” Obama said. “For close to four years now, he’s shown no interest in putting in the work, no interest in finding common ground, no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends, no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.
“Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t. And the consequences of that failure are severe. 170,000 Americans dead. Millions of jobs gone while those at the top take in more than ever.”
…how could he – he doesn’t understand the first thing about it, let alone any of the other posts a president actually needs to be able to staff with competent individuals in order to genuinely or meaningfully administrate a thing as vast & ponderous as the federal government
…the man has made nothing if not a spectacle of being at the helm of an almost painstakingly corrupt, criminal and illegitimate (though in many respects hopelessly inept) project to take the ship of state & compete to see if it could be pointed at an iceberg or two
…or just plain run into the ground the way he has every other fucking thing he touches…on fire if at all possible
…so can we please have some kind of moratorium to the effect that henceforth the only time the word president should precede the name of the current occupant of the Oval Office be expressly to specify that you’re talking about the period during which we collectively deluded ourselves into believing that conjunction could pass (in the traditional goood-enough-for-government-work sense) for being valid?
…sure, he could make like Roger Stone & claim he wants to relitigate the whole thing to exonerate himself…but we saw how that went…turns out when you’re guilty but somehow not in jail you don’t actually want the jeopardy count reset to zero
awww…20 minutes of bama…that was almost therapeutic
at least untill he hit the american exceptionalism part…thats always guaranteed to set me off…i dont care how charming the salesman is…
he is right tho…. joe does know what its like for america to be a thing the rest of the world admires and looks up to
hes old enough to remember that shit
stupidities like this helped made and keep the u.s. #1 in covid-19 deaths. we’re exceptional, we don’t need masks…
Hope your day gets better. You made my day with “…yes, you blithering, bloviating, bathetic bigot…”. Just spot-on.
oh look…putins poisoning people again
oh wait i mean putins opponents and critics are mysteriously falling ill
Geezus, I just read about that. WTF?
The bizarre thing is no one could figure out what he was referring to. The Cincinnati Reds were playing the Kansas City Royals. Cincinnati is a very conservative city. Maybe it was a slur against KC? But KC itself is pretty conservative. It’s all a mystery.
It’s like if I were giving a televised speech about, I don’t know, the history of the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge, and I threw in “and I’m one of those people for whom cilantro tastes like dish soap.”
The fact that he was tossing around a slur so casually indicates that it was not the first time or the last. And he’s not sorry he did it, he’s just sorry he got busted and fired.
And (adjusts tinfoil hat) maybe someone in the control room got sick of it finally and put him on a hot mic.
The slur reminded me of an incident from many years ago.
Friends and I were wandering through Greenwich Village on a nice fall Saturday and one of the most louche Christopher Street bars was having a happy hour that spilled out onto the street. An older couple from out of town (recently they would have been wearing maga hats and flag-desecrating casual wear) somehow got caught up in all of this. The husband sneered at his wife, “They should round ’em all up and put ’em on an island somewhere.” My friend said, “They did, and it’s called Manhattan!” and he kind of gestured around.
I cannot move to New Zealand fast enough.
Celebrity cat called Mittens in the running to be New Zealander of the year
Germany’s cool, too, though.
Germans must walk their dogs twice a day, new law will say
uhhhhh…….fuck…. cleaning the kitchen…with some industrial floor cleaner shit..anyhoo..decided the floor still didnt look clean sooo heyooooo time for a round of bleach whoop whoop!
wait…what was in that floor cleaner?
#RIP farscythe
(No seriously, air that out buddy!)
yeah no worries…ive got everything open now
tbh…i kinda knew i dun fucked up as i almost immediately got a headache…
on the upside tho….that floor sure is shiney now 🙂
What Meg said, plus do not light anything until the fumes disperse…
good thing i stopped smoking indoors sometime ago
but yeah….this wasnt very smart
Oh no, you launched a WWI-style gas attack on yourself! You should bring yourself up for trial at Den Haag for violating the Geneva Convention.
But seriously, I’m glad you are OK.
it wasnt quite mustard gas….but i wouldnt recommend it anyway
anyways cheers 🙂
Breaking News – Steve Bannon indicted.
I am not shocked. 25 mil wasn’t even a drop in the bucket for an almost 2000 mile Maginot line of immigration, but not for guys who wanted to live the Parscale life.
This is my new favorite song!
Add this to your playlist
How to Make a Schadenfreude Pie
…I guess as ever the question seems to be whether the Supreme Court has enough capacity for shame to deny him one last time when he appeals it
…think it might suffice to just refuse to hear the appeal since this reverts to the ruling that went against him?
I read somewhere that his lawyers are just trying to delay until the statute of limitations runs out. They know they won’t win, they don’t care, they’ll keep using appeals to run out the clock. And going back to the Supreme Court will probably allow that to happen. That lets the court save face and give trump what he wants. He doesn’t care if everyone knows he’s a liar and a cheat beholden to Russia. His base already knows, his GOP House and Senate supporters know. His only goal is to stay out of jail and keep the grift going.
The financial fraud at the Trump business is awfully hard to beat on statute of limitations because that would mean he had to clean up all of his lies and keep them clean.
That is really hard for Trump in part because he is an addicted liar, in part because reconciling his tax fraud and false statements for insurance and collateral purposes puts him at a huge financial loss, and also because fixing problems today exposes fraud in the past.
He needed to divest in 2016 to be off the hook next year, and that never happened.
…I might have the wrong end of the stick because I know there are at least some potential charges he could avoid via the expiration date routine
…but as I understand it the more of it that ultimately ties together the less well that approach functions because if it’s a part of an ongoing criminal enterprise my understanding is that the clock on the statute of limitations doesn’t start until you “stop crime-ing”
…but playing out court proceedings to a stalemate until either the clock or the funds for the prosecution run out is how he thinks the legal system functions when you add money to it…like buying the pot in a poker game you otherwise wouldn’t have a hope of winning?
The sugar in that pie makes my teeth hurt! I guess the lesson is you don’t want TOO much Schadenfreude!
I don’t think I could it eat.
This really makes my day, even though Trump will pardon him in a heartbeat if Bannon threatens to sing. Maybe this is why Barr was interfering with the top prosecutor in NYC.
And trump’s base won’t care even though it was their money! It amazes me how loyal they are to him in spite of the obvious contempt he and his cohorts have for them.
I hate those “Hollywood Elite” but Trump is just one of us. I never understood how people could be stupid enough to fall for the constant Rethuglicans bullshit that we are just simple down home folksy folks but those evil Democrats just use big words and science to make fun of you. They are all rich and getting richer off your stupidity people!
…I could be wrong but I think that a good bit of his problem is that he knows that in some ways it doesn’t matter which angle you start from once you start to build an accurate picture of what he’s about the rot spreads to all of it
…house of cards…cartoon sweater unravelling from a single thread…pick your metaphor, really…I sort of suspect that his constant tantrums all sort of sound the same after a while because it all comes down to him trying to defend himself in the long lost battle to deny that he’s a fraud & a criminal & he belongs in jail
…so having Barr pull that kind of thing seems (to me) to be pretty certainly another attempt to jam the gears in the machinery of justice
…& commuted sentence or not he didn’t actually pardon Stone…& I kinda figure he would have tried if someone hadn’t got it through to him that it would cause him problems he can’t afford…so…I doubt it’ll be as satisfying as we’d like but I’m.startimg to believe we might one day see at least a few chickens come home to roost for these chucklefucks?
just a quick psa
i figures some of yous here may get a kick out of it and have a couple hours spare tomorow
pretty nice line up there