I’ll grant you it’s a serious business & all…in fact I’d go so far as to say I take it all kinds of seriously…but damn it all I also have things to do with my day that are – while much less serious business – going to be noticed if they don’t get done…
so I hope you’ll forgive me if I don’t provide a run of links to matters relating to the Middle East…or dumbass donnie the dotard-est dotard to ever dote…or how the various dem candidates have responded to the whole thing…because trawling through that kind of thing requires an entirely more caffeinated mind than I currently possess…
instead I have a couple of things for you on the principle that misery loves company & we could all use a laugh…& these are places my mind apparently can’t help but go when the news coverage tips bellicose…
…what can I say – it’s hard to keep up in these modern times…
…& – because I only thought I put this up on time & I’ve had a cup of coffee now, here’s the BBC which last I checked had Boris urging urgent de-escalation
…but I wouldn’t necessarily advise holding your breath?
That second Bill Hicks clip…I never thought much about what people thought when Rush Limbaugh was new on the scene but comparing him to Archie Bunker seems apt.
The emergency declaration was signed for Puerto Rico, so that’s a good thing.
Ahahahahahahaha hahaha y’all I love this so much!!! https://www.facebook.com/789207571184096/posts/2374707532634084/
Artist photoshops kids’ weirdo drawings into real things. I can’t get a photo example to upload but trust me, it’s worth going on Facebook for.