…who the hell knows? [DOT 10/10/20]

seriously...what the fuck, people...

…ok…so…seems like a lot happened yesterday…but also like we’re still in the exact same place we were before…which is somewhere between confusing & crazy-making…if not as crazy as the ‘roids are making the tyrant-toddler-tangerine-man…because…who could be?


President Trump on drugs. Wow. I have to admit that I failed to see this one coming. Trump’s political career has been such a wild ride all by itself, it never occurred to me to wonder what would happen if this grandiose narcissist with the bombastic flair were to be filled to the gills with a powerful steroid. Just as I never looked at Usain Bolt, the great Jamaican sprinter, and mused: What would he be like on a rocket sled?


…& it’s the weekend

…so, I don’t know if this will work but basically I’m going to try not to take things seriously today…mainly by resorting to a tactic I’m thinking of as “remember when this would have been a joke?”…as you can see…there will be cartoons…& also crazy

President Trump berated his own cabinet officers on Thursday for not prosecuting or implicating his political enemies, lashing out even as he announced that he hoped to return to the campaign trail on Saturday just nine days after he tested positive for the coronavirus.


Trump’s Taxes Show He Engineered a Sudden Windfall in 2016

Tax records expose more than $21 million in highly unusual payments from the Las Vegas hotel Donald Trump owns with Phil Ruffin, routed through other Trump companies and paid out in cash.

Donald J. Trump needed money.

His “self-funded” presidential campaign was short on funds, and he was struggling to win over leery Republican donors. His golf courses and the hotel he would soon open in the Old Post Office in Washington were eating away at what cash he had left on hand, his tax records show.

And in early 2016, Deutsche Bank, the last big lender still doing business with him, unexpectedly turned down his request for a loan. The funds, Mr. Trump had told his bankers, would help shore up his Turnberry golf resort in Scotland. Some bankers feared the money would instead be diverted to his campaign.


…meanwhile the debate was on…then off…then off-site…then off…then on again…then cancelled…but there’ll definitely be a last one…just not a next one…or…who can keep up?


…see…can you even remember when that concept was funny at this point?






Facebook and the Group That Planned to Kidnap Gretchen Whitmer


FBI agents have disrupted and stopped what they say was a conspiracy by militia movement members to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D). They discussed arson of her vacation home and other targets and kidnapping her for “trial.”

This isn’t just a one-off event or the work of a few mad actors — it’s part of a rising tide of white power activity, one that poses an imminent danger to American democracy. The Department of Homeland Security’s threat assessment report, released earlier this week after a long wait, made that clear: White power movement violence and affiliated extremism is, by far, the greatest terrorist threat to our nation.

Not only does this kind of extremist violence outstrip any violence carried out by what President Trump has referred to as “antifa and the left,” but white power violence now also exceeds the threat of radical Islamist terror. The DHS assessment makes clear that “2019 was the most lethal year for extremism in the United States since the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.”





…of course…sometimes that’s considered to be a feature not a bug


Isolated in the White House, Trump struggles to project a sense of normalcy after canceled debate


…not that the normal they’re familiar with is exactly…well…normal?


Donald Trump’s Alternate Constitutional Reality


Inside the Trump Campaign’s Strategy to Make Voting a Tooth-and-Nail Fight


Less than a month out from Election Day, President Donald Trump is dealing with a hostage crisis of sorts — he is both the captor and the captive of a badly tarnished political brand.

The more it fades, the more he tends to it. The more he tends to it, the more it fades.

The core of that brand is the notion that superhuman instincts and physical capabilities enable him to win at everything all the time. But he has been unable to explain the dissonance between that concept and his inability to effectively stop the coronavirus from crippling the economy and killing 210,000 Americans.



Guests at Trump’s events scattered across the country. Potentially exposed, many of their contacts may never be identified.



White House Blocked C.D.C. From Requiring Masks on Public Transportation


…also in “you couldn’t make it up” news



…from the mouth of babes
Inside the People of Praise, the Tight-Knit Faith Community of Amy Coney Barrett

The 2020 election isn’t about whether to expand the size of the Supreme Court. It isn’t about whether Democratic nominee Joe Biden states his position on court-packing. The election is about one thing: a referendum on the dangerous presidency of Donald Trump.

No wonder Republicans are so desperate to change the subject.




…& you know what they say about tempting fate

…so…here’s something fun to think about…one of the bursts of crazy that made it to twitter recently was this

…& I don’t know if you recall but…well…there’s a guy by the name of Reggie Walton who happens to be a judge…who happens to have a copy of the full unredacted Mueller Report…which he just recently finished up checking through to assess the justifications for the many redactions therein

…surprise…he found some he thought were bogus…& it turns out he (& the folks at Buzzfeed) saw that tweet

…sure…there’s no particular reason to think it won’t get tied up in the courts for another forever or two…but it sure would be a sublime irony if his twitter antics were what got that shit out there…not that the unredacted parts of the report were exactly short of shit that should have meant more than it seemed to if…I dunno…you happened to read the thing…but it’s the weekend & I don’t want to waste your whole day or anything…still…if you look at what Judge Walton seemed to think the motivations of those suspect redactions looked to be…well…it could be interesting, to say the least



  1. can we give him moar drugs? (i mean…im a reasonably safe distance away and its kinda funny in a holy what the fucking shit sort of way)
    anyhoo..today i learnt these guys are dutch

    who knew?… i kinda figured they were british

    i mean…kensington….that screams british…and they sound british
    anyhoo…pretty good band

        • why is there a catastrophe in you’re anyway?
          i mean…its normally used to actually shorten a word
          its kinda pointless in that case
          (yes yes i know its actually an appostoffelcy)

          • You’re = you are
            Shan’t = shall not
            Won’t = why the fuck did this become the contraction for will not?

            • shoulda been win’t really
              english is wierd
              easiest language in the world to speak
              fucking complicated to write……i blame the fucking royals
              sounds like the kind of shit they came up with just to give the peasants a hard time

              • …it’s not something the Brits are much inclined to admit but it’s a mongrel tongue at the end of the day so some of the contractions come from when the words being shortened were different

                it’s a whole thing

  2. Trump after his steroid injections.

    Sorry Intelligence Vets/WaPo reporter, did you honestly believe that the least qualified DNI ever aka M for Jon “Mayor Bumfuck” Ratcillfe (I would be better qualified than Mayor Bumfuck because I’ve read John LeCarre novels and not just watched James Bond movies) would actually keep politics out of intelligence reports?
    Why the hell did you think Trump put him there?  It’s not his non existent qualifications unless you count Ratfucking/Toadying to Trump.

    The way the Trump campaign is imploding goes beyond my 2016/2020 hope of a Spinal Tap swirl of a clusterfuck campaign.

    This is also the self destruction of those loudmouth bully assholes (aka Tea Party/QAnon/Racist/Fundie/Xtian Dominionist fuckwit cultists) with no experience or actual education (I’m also including things like Jared Kushner’s daddy buying him a bunch of fucking Ivy League degrees) that took over the GOPers. 

    It was always about projection when they screamed in capitals about Obama’s cult.  They actually wanted to be the cult in charge and found their Jim Jones in Donald Joker Trump.  Problem is that everything’s blowing up before they had a chance to down the cyanide laced grape flavored drink.

    Unfortunately, these kind of idiots aren’t the type to slink away in shame.  Like CoVID, they are going to remain a part of our existence for a long time.

    • Don’t think this is just going away after Election Day.  There will be plenty of shenanigans afterward, and I foresee a day when an embolded White Supremacy movement may have to be put down violently.

      • The problem is that putting them down violently will require an actual liberal in the White House.  As long as we continue to have corporate Democrats as nominees and Presidents, they will be far too concerned with not wanting to upset Republicans to do the right thing.  Considering how this year’s primaries went, I don’t see that happening, pretty much ever.

        • My guess is that the right-wing extremists are going to start the violence, and force a Democratic administration’s hand. You know how the right is always accusing the left of trying to “undo the election?” Projection.

          • They would really have to go full-blown armed revolution for a Democratic administration to do something serious about it.  Remember the Bundy ranch?  Every one of those cocksuckers should have been forcefully put down.  Instead, Clive got to keep breaking the law.

  3. This may be be applicable?

    (Turn it around
    I remember when
    This age of pathetics)


      • …I would up with all the Cohen tunes after going down a whole rabbit hole on the drug references

        …there was “the drugs don’t work/they just make it worse” kind of thing…or the “I said I don’t think I can take it much longer/she said maybe your tablets should be stronger/get some serious drugs/you need serious drugs”…or…well, kind of a lot of eminem tunes, really?

        “any man who would jump in front of minivan/for 20 grand/a bottle of pain pills & a minithin/is fucking crazy” maybe sounds a little off topic but check out the last verse & it sounds pretty close to the kind of insanity donnie & his dexe’meth has been coming up with?

        …long story short…there weren’t enough hours in the day to have the post finished so I went a different way?

        • any man who would jump in front of minivan/for 20 grand/a bottle of pain pills & a minithin/is fucking crazy
          neh…..thats just addiction
          that shit fucks up your brain

          • …I suspect that might be the point mr mathers was going for…but that last verse was too much to type (& off the top of my head I’d have likely screwed it up) so…do check it out…it’s a good tune even without the disturbing possibility that it might offer insight into the mental landscape of a sitting president?

  4. Re: that last Calvin & Hobbes cartoon, of thinking up the perfect retort but too late. It’s called l’esprit de l’escalier, or “staircase wit.” As in you’re on the staircase on the way out and suddenly the thought comes to you. It’s not only the Germans who seem to have a word/phrase for everything.

  5. Remember when The Starr Report was published as a book?  Fun times.

    • …indeed

      …funny how things change…well, funny may not be the right word for it…& I don’t know as I’d call it progress, either?

  6. FYI:  Mrs. Butcher and I are going to a wedding out of town today.  There will only be 17 of us there, and we all agreed to self quarantine for the previous two weeks–and we’ll all be wearing masks and staying apart.  But there will be no SBT today or tomorrow because I’m terrible at planning ahead.

    • …hopefully a good time will be had by all

      …& pre-quarantining arrangements sound like they count as planning ahead so I think you’re good?

  7. as nobody asked….this my tough guy song

    who wanta some wang?

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