…so, with that in mind…let’s see if we can sort the one from the other in this little run
…& if you think May 1st sounds maybe a little on the foolish side…you ain’t seen nothing yet
…fucking what now?
…the fucking WHO is who’s full of shit about this stuff?
…I mean…he had to go somewhere after embarassing himself bad enough that some poor bastard had to explain it to him
…but cutting funding for the fucking WHO…in the middle of a global pandemic…for the love of all that’s holy how much of an ass can one man be without disappearing up his own fundament to leave nothing but a disembodied rump?
…just send a bunch of cameras down there & then don’t play the highlights anywhere, ever…& let Fauci go do his damn job…that would be a service to the nation…unlike wasting the man’s time to indulge your dopamine fixation you tinpot tangerine tyranical toddler of a feckless fucking fuckwit
…so hold your fucking horses…you’re in a bad habit of getting ahead of yourself
…or as some might say…getting a bit previous
…otherwise known as jumping the gun
…which I guess could be one explanation for the “pants on fire” bit
…personally I’d have gone with the worst possible time for dotardus maximus & left it at that
…meanwhile, in an advanced state of cause & effect
…& make no mistake…it didn’t have to go that way
…but then, neither did this
…or this
…& when these kinds of people are saying this kind of shit
…thanks to the alleged administration the US response is…well…cui bono?
I already missed the intellectual coolness of Obama, now I’m missing the down home general stupidity of W and his evil heartless (literally) puppetmaster Dick “Dick” Cheney.
Anyone instead of Preznit Clusterfuck.
As a citizen of North America’s hat, I’m more worried about conditions down in your area. I doubt anyone on our side is going to want to reopen the border between our nations for a long time.
…I don’t know that Iran is necessarily in a position to be throwing stones about bullying, threatening & vainglorious blathering that costs lives as a number of their citizens could no longer attest…so there may be enough infamy to go around
…but even so, for a guy seemingly obsessed with media optics stripping funding from the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION in the middle of a GLOBAL PANDEMIC is some insanely tone-deaf & lethally stupid bullshit & no mistake
The House should have a lot to say about what Trump is doing with WHO funding, and pretty much everything else.
But Majority Leader Steny Hoyer just announced that they’re not reconvening until at least early May barring an emergency. Because, of course, they don’t think there is an emergency.
I get that they don’t want to have them all milling around the House chamber sharing the virus. But there is no excuse for Pelosi not treating this like an emergency. She should be forcing through rules changes to get a special committee up and running with the smartest, most articulate members available — Katie Porter, Ted Lieu, Adam Schiff, Val Demings, etc. — and forget about seniority and deferring to the GOP.
They can work remotely, take testimony via video, and quit acting like this is business as usual.
Maybe she heard you?
While I’m glad that she said something, I din’t know how she swiftly challenges something with the House in mothballs.
There is a long time ahead for Trump to flout Congress and break laws, and the pressure in Congress to adjourn for the election season is going to grow.
She has very little time to make a stand on anything and being passive and waiting, waiting, waiting only makes her position weaker. Her delberate refusual to flex her muscles is ridiculous.
Fuck, yes. If my nonprofit can function now, the House certainly can. Schools and colleges are making it work. There are literally dozens of online meeting platforms that could be up and running in hours, if not minutes.
I mean, I get that there will be hiccups and bumps to work through, but putting those off completely makes no sense. Do they want to get the details figured out now, or do they want to debug when they’re in the middle of something even worse?.
“failed in its basic duty and it must be held accountable”
Dear god, that *SOMEONE, would pleeeeaaaassssee hold the Dotard accountable.
Ffs, 25th 45 already!!!😠😡🤬🤬🤬
“On April 6, Bharat Ramamurti became the first person named to the Congressional Oversight Commission supposed to police the massive coronavirus relief fund. A former top staffer for Senator Elizabeth Warren, Ramamurti expected to have company — the new law requires congressional leaders to appoint a five-member panel.
He’s still waiting.
As tens of billions of taxpayer dollars from the $2.2 trillion relief bill begin flowing out the door, Ramamurti remains the lone member appointed to the panel. With no colleagues, no staff, and no office, he’s had to rely on one of the few avenues he has to communicate with the public: his unverified Twitter feed.”
No doubt the GOP has zero interest in seeing this getting up and running.
So why didn’t Pelosi A) insist on an alternative appointment process to kick in if the GOP stalled AND/OR B) launch a separate House panel?
It’s not as though she is new to the commission game. She’s been around long enough to see how the GOP has gamed these big and small, from the 9/11 Commission to the Commission on Servicemember Transition Assistance.
I recognize that there are strategic decisions as far as what issues to pursue and what kind of PR approach to take.
But doing nothing is not an option. Surrendering before the fight even begins is madness.
Stacey Abrams told Elle Magazine that she would like to serve as Joe Biden’s running mate.
When he was first considering running he floated the idea of Abrams as a running mate. We’ll see if he follows through. I still expect him to choose Klobuchar, possibly Harris. But I’d love to be wrong about this. Stacy Abrams as Veep would be exciting.