…who’s sorry now?

don't all shout at once...



…ain’t that a bitch?

The Tragedy of Trump and the Coronavirus


…so they pumped him full of monoclonal antibodies [turns out he got a bigger dose than the folks in the trial do] in a treatment that’s still experimental but in theory upped his chances of the thing not getting as bad as it otherwise might…but on the other hand

“I think I’m doing well”
“the first lady is doing well”

…emaphasis mine

…I dunno…she’s younger & whole lot slimmer…& the way I hear it the old+obese thing is not a good start when you catch this shit…so

Trump’s age, immune system and underlying health problems will chart his battle against covid-19



…or as Biden so adroidtly pointed out the other night…it is what it is because you are who you are

…remember when we were happy just ragging on him for his shitty debate performance?

Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Jon Meacham declared Trump’s behavior on the Cleveland debate stage “the lowest moment in the history of the presidency since Andrew Johnson’s racist state papers”; author and Post associate editor Bob Woodward accused Trump of “assassinating the presidency”; historian Michael Beschloss lamented that “democracy was trashed”; and, in the unkindest cut of all, actor Mark Hamill slammed the debate as “the worst thing I’ve ever seen & I was in The Star Wars Holiday Special.”


…I mean…if it wasn’t literally a matter of life or death it would be funny how predictable some of this shit is

Chris Wallace, Awaiting Virus Test, Tells Fox News Viewers: ‘Wear the Damn Mask’










What if Trump Can’t Run? Many Steps Are Clear, but Some Are Not


…not going to lie


…I wasn’t done with wanting to bitch about the man…so all this “he’s sick, now be nice” crap is a tough row to hoe


[…or…get this…they’ll ban them…no, really…@jack can’t have that]

…I want to get back to the widespread agreement that he’s an out-&-out shitheel of a human being who deserves to go to jail for the very real & extensive list of criminal behavior that has made up the bulk of his adult life



…&…you know

President Trump has declined to say that he will accept the election results, while making exaggerated claims about voter fraud and urging his supporters to “go into the polls and watch very carefully.” The summer was marked by sometimes violent unrest — with people at protests for racial justice periodically clashing with far-right groups — and officials fear the election could spark new rounds of demonstrations.



Why ‘Stand Back and Stand By’ Should Set Off Alarm Bells


…or, hell…shit that is literally more important than him & his petty, self-serving bullshit





Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Audio Reveals Conflicting Accounts of Fatal Raid




Supreme Court to Hear Cases on Voting Rights and Climate Change



When an article on Facebook detailed a QAnon conspiracy theory about a “16-Year Plan to Destroy America,” commenters demanded death for those supposedly involved, including former president Barack Obama, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and other Democrats.

[…funny how @jack didn’t have a problem with that kind of thing…well…maybe funny ain’t the word I’m looking for]

…or…if not more important…about some other asshole

Harvey Weinstein Faces Six Additional Sexual Assault Charges in Los Angeles


…or asshole-ette, I guess

In Profane Rant, Melania Trump Takes Aim at Migrant Children and Critics

…or at least hoping things weren’t going his way, electorally speaking

Trump’s early Friday morning announcement that he had tested positive for Covid-19 instantaneously weakened his campaign for re-election in both political and practical terms.

“There’s nothing positive about it,” conservative strategist and MSNBC political analyst Rick Tyler said of the test result. “Politically speaking, there’s no upside for him because it fundamentally undermines his central re-election message, which is: The coronavirus is under control, we’ve turned the corner and the economy is re-emergent. … None of that is true — we haven’t turned the corner.”

From a practical standpoint, Trump is at least temporarily unable to campaign — an ironic reversal of fortunes after he spent months bashing Democratic challenger Joe Biden for wearing a mask in public and refusing to hold rallies.


…or why his latest Supreme Court pick really ought not get to sit on that bench


Trump’s Diagnosis Imperils Quick Supreme Court Confirmation Timeline


…or take a leaf out of Cousin Matthew’s book & look at some historical precedents



…so I’m going to cheap out on the tunes &…as the saying goes…go long

…because honestly

…I need a little something this morning

…’cause we gots to get through this, y’all



  1. You forgot the best twiit of them all. 
    Someone accurately said that tRump is part of three high-risk groups: old, obese, and low income. 
    So perfect. 

  2. This asshole needs to hang on until the election, and then he needs to die.  This would mitigate a rush of Republicans voting for Pence and, assuming he loses, would eliminate all of the inevitable bullshit about not accepting the results.  Pence is a shitbag, but he would do the right thing if it came to that.

    • …still want to see his ass drug through a court or two…but I’d settle for that scenario

      …certainly beats some kind of insanity-martyr deal…although Pence being such an insipid slice of milquetoast I don’t know that the folks who’d vote for him but not the current chief-asshole would necessarily outnumber the one’s for whom he isn’t hateful enough to get them revved up?

        • …nah…I know it ain’t russia, for sure…donnie boy would be boxed up six feet under by now…those reds don’t play the penny ante table

          …when they’re done with you…you’re done…poison’s cheaper than a prosecution, after all

          …I know that last guy survived to make it to germany & all but he seems like the exception that proves the rule?

  3. I think it’s endemic of the reality Trump has created where a large portion of us think/thought he’s faking COVID-19 to get out of the debates. Even as people were being diagnosed last night I couldn’t help but think, “Oh, they’re covering their tracks by having the most prominent administration people also have it.” I still can’t help but think that it could be an act.
    But then I have to remind myself that these people couldn’t pull off bribing Ukraine and there’s too many witnesses if dozens of people are now infected. We’ve seen this disease tear through weddings and funerals, of course it would tear through the Rose Garden.
    And I’m happy about it. This disease has taken a lot of kind people who deserved to live, nurses, children, parents, grandparents. But these ghouls sat in the White House with their rapid tests and lied to the public to save their economy. They deliberately wanted to kill people in “blue states” so that they could win. The list goes on. Each one of them deserves this if such a thing as cosmic justice exists.

  4. If cruelty is the thing with the Trump Admin then those GOPer cultist shitheads just found out that Mother Nature is the cruelest meanest mother of them all (even worse than Mother Mary Trump.)
    As for being “nice.”  I don’t feel anything at all for them even their most diehard supporters.
    How does one forgive betrayal, negligence, malice, racism and sociopathy that let 210k+ people die and a nation on the cusp of  collapse that could have been prevented with a small amount of empathy?  I am not a bigger person, cause I really can’t forgive that.
    I’m watching this on a smaller scale here in Ontario where Doug Ford actually did the right thing till he decided he had to do the “right wing” thing and fuck things up.  Rushing to send kids back to school was dumb, but doing so while putting few resources do protect them and spending more on PR/propaganda was totally fucked up.  Whatever good will he had based on his handling of the COVID is gone.

  5. As far as that Facebook link, can someone clear this up for a non-FB user?
    If your awful uncle is constantly sharing violent rightwing memes, I know they may take down the posts. Is there a point where they finally shut down his account? Is the threshold basically he has to be working for a Russian troll factory and cranking this stuff out 80 hours a week? Or do they basically ignore someone who post ten of these a day?

    • …I don’t go on facebook if I can help it…but as far as I gather from friends who do basically they assume you’ll “block” them & stop caring that they keep churning it out

      …their whole “we don’t take responsibility for content on our platform because we aren’t a publisher” defense is entirely for shit & a thorough abdication of the duty their self:appojnted role as the facilitator of a lot of people’s online discourse, of course

      …but apparently zuck is still “just some guy who got lucky once, shucks” & can’t do anything about that sort of thing…except make damn sure the T&Cs insulate him from direct liability while he runs his A/B tests on swathes of the population like his personal lab rats/piggy bank?

  6. I’m under the impression that their enforcement policies are selective and not consistent.
    My brother is a Neo-Nazi/white supremacist who has had many of his accounts banned for a set amount of time or locked outright because he shares Nazi memes. So he creates more new accounts under false names which is against Facebook rules. For the most part he’s able to use Facebook just fine, most of the time, because Facebook allows all kinds of grotesque content on their platform. When it comes to reporting content they try to put you off reporting/wasting their time by reading the community guidelines. They say they’re going to investigate but that they have fewer admins because of COVID it may take a while and they will send you a notification when the report is complete . If you try to report a person to  Facebook, the first action is to prompt you to block a person if you don’t like their content versus allowing you to get right to a place to report them.
    TL;DR: The threshold for being banned from Facebook is very high.

  7. So… i KNOW I link this article, ALL THE TIME,
    I’m HOPING to have time after work tonight, to get deeper into it, but ALL the talk, by alllllll the folks who are “SO AMAZED & APPALLED !!!” by the fact that he appears to likely have KNOWN he was infected, and that he was ENTIRELY willing to infect others (in all honesty, the fact that he NEVER SHUT UP may well have been an attempt to get Biden off the campaign trail–probably, in Trump’s eyes, a *bonus* if it seriously sickened/killed him, but IT WAS MERELY ANOTHER TOOL for Trump to use!!!).
    The folks getting outraged are CONSTANTLY forgetting that Dolt45 LITERALLY HAS NO CONSCIENCE, as the rest of society understands the term “conscience” 
    It doesn’t EXIST in him, because it was beaten out(possibly literally), mocked, burned out, and ENTIRELY QUASHED, by his parents, then by himself.
    The man–according to his own niece, who HAS known him, and *IS* actually qualified to Dx him, HAS Antisocial Personality Disorder.
    He is completely incapable of acting in the interests of another human being other than himself, because thst *part* of his psyche & thought processes is irreparablly, and irretrievably BROKEN & just doesn’t EXIST.
    He WILL use *anything* at hand, to gain what he sees as “leverage,” in any and EVERY situation, simply because THAT is how he is hardwired.
    It’s like expecting a robot or a computer program to operate in a manner *opposite* the way it’s programming is written–it WON’T hapoen, because it CAN’T happen–the coding for a different action literally does.not.exist there.
    I can dig into the psych side of things more, here, later on, if anyone is interested. It’s some pretty FASCINATING stuff, when it *isn’t* thd fate of the country/world/planet as a whole, hanging in the balance…
    But it is SO frustrating, hearing SO MANY PEOPLE talk about “how evil can he be?!?!???” when they KEEP ONFRAMING HIM, as coming from a “normal person** p.o.v., rather than from a conscience-less narcissistic ANTI-social person’s p.o.v.!
    **there IS no “normal,” let me be CRYSTAL clear here!💖

    • I’ve learned fairly recently that many “normal” people really can’t fathom the depths of human depravity. People with tons of normal, healthy relationships to others can’t perceive other realities where someone has complete disregard for others and would go out of their way to hurt others. It can be hard to get these types to see the “whole experience” of being on the receiving end of that behavior. Because Trump is the president we can’t even escape from him.
      What I want to know is how he managed to get dozens of sociopaths* around him to go along with his plans, both for the past five years and in the last few days. Did Ivanka and Melania go with him with the full knowledge that they could get their kids sick in turn?  Did Trump hide his sniffles all of Tuesday and only he and one other person knew about his diagnosis? What I think at the moment is that maybe he got a series of negative rapid tests but was starting to feel the symptoms Tuesday. Just like someone who is bleeding in a zombie movie, a lot of people knew what was coming next, but they gave him a shitton of uppers so he could debate. Everything else collapsed from there where they managed to hide is diagnosis so that they could bilk some millionaires for donations. He then became too sick to be able to hide it anymore.
      *I mean sociopath colloquially, I’m sure they each have their own personality disorders.

    • …I’m sure it’d be a great read if you can find the time

      …but I think for a lot of people that sense of disbelief is mostly a matter of consistently ratcheting their assumptions about the rock-bottom baseline amount of humanity required to successfully appear to be a human being (with shit like empathy & logic & abstract reasoning available to you) as low as they can imagine only for the sagging mass of solipsistic sociopathy to act like their imagined rock bottom is an unattainable ceiling that just keeps taking their breath away?

      …not in the sense that they expect better of him, exactly…more that they assume even his own naked self-interest would demand he at least act like he could do a better impression of a person…let alone a fucking president

      …but no…he always manages to come out lower than what people think must be the lowest of the low…& they don’t know how else to express their outrage than to appeal to a shared sense that “but surely…”?

  8. Live updates: WH chief of staff says Trump’s vitals over past 24 hours are ‘very concerning’
    The White House on Saturday created a startling amount of confusion on the timing of President Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis and the status of his health through a series of conflicting statements, injecting an extraordinary degree of uncertainty into the nation’s understanding of the president’s condition and who may have been exposed to the deadly virus.

    At a Saturday morning news conference, members of Trump’s medical team at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center said the president is fever-free and that they are “extremely happy” with the progress he has made. But Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, said Trump went through a “very concerning” period over the last day.

    “The president’s vitals over the last 24 hours were very concerning, and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of his care,” Meadows said. “We’re still not on a clear path to a full recovery.”

    Trump’s medical team also suggested the president knew he tested positive for the coronavirus earlier than had been reported. Sean P. Conley, Trump’s physician, said we are “72 hours into the diagnosis,” meaning the president could have tested positive as early as Wednesday. And the team refused to answer key questions about when the president was first diagnosed and first symptomatic, and whether he had received supplemental oxygen.

    • …yeah…the question clearly stopped being “are they lying” some while ago…all day it’s been more “what are they lying about…& by how much?”

      …his condition is worse than they want to admit…but how much worse?

      …they knew he was infected before they admitted it…but how much sooner?

      …this shit is going to get worse before it gets better…but how much worse?

      …these people are clearly culpable for the risks (& consequences) they knowingly foisted on various people by not being upfront about any of this…but how much responsibility should they be taking?

      …& so on & so forth

    • my mums a doctor
      she’s a firm believer in was a dickhead in life…still a dickhead in death
      cept now he cant punch you if you call him a dickhead…so go for it

    • So did my mom. Of course, she also told me I was incredibly intransigent after I had been wronged and utterly refused to offer forgiveness for any offense. Her exact words were “You never let go of anything.”
      I leave it as an exercise to the reader to determine which of those positions I am finding prevails in regard to the current presidential malaise. 

    • So did my mom. Of course, she also told me I was incredibly intransigent after I had been wronged and utterly refused to offer forgiveness for any offense. Her exact words were “You never let go of anything.”
      I leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine which of those positions I am finding prevails in regard to the current presidential malaise. 

  9. Chris Christie has checked into the hospital as a “precautionary measure.”
    Question for my fellow poors: When did you ever get to check in to the hospital like it was a hotel?
    From the experience of family members you had to be seriously ill or complaining of heart problems or otherwise they send you home and tell you to come back if you get worse.

    • …not going to lie…having been raised in a country that boasted universal health care this remains something I struggle to understand

      …even in the US my understanding is that the hippocratic oath is a thing…& yet the healthcare system actually appears to be predicated not so much on the principle of “first, do no harm” as “first, do fuck all if that’s remotely possible”…unless the patient has enough life savings to make their life worth saving in exchange

      …to answer your question…seemingly never is apparently the only possible answer…whereas…it ought not to be offensive that Christie can (he’s plenty offensive enough on his own)…that such recourse is not universally available to all is…well…beyond offensive?

      …you can’t really call it a healthcare system if the system bit doesn’t show any sign of caring about health, surely?

      …it’s more by way of a system of mercenary medicine…& I say that with no disrespect intended to the people practicing the actual medicine or providing the very real & much needed healthcare their patients require, for whom I have deep reserves of respect, gratitude & admiration…it’s the framework that ties their hands behind their backs & leaves so many of those who might benefit from their ministrations out in the cold to suffer needlessly that I just can’t come to terms with?

      • There are a lot of people trying their best to navigate the healthcare system on behalf of patients. But there’s also plenty of practitioners who are complacent or who have become jaded about the system of paperwork and insurance.
        Of course, it’s the ironies of ironies of hypocrisies that the GOP hisses through their teeth about how under socialized healthcare that healthcare is rationed. They also point out that people can go to the ER if they are sick, which isn’t how this is supposed to work, of course.
        You’re right, though, that it’s good that Christie will get the care he needs. In a better society, each of us would have the same opportunity and it’s precisely because we don’t that 200k+ people have died.  

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