Won’t somebody please think of the children? [DOT 7/7/20]

G’morning, deadsplinters. I thought I’d try my hand at a DOT. I was planning something light and breezy, easy on the links. Then I read about Carsyn Davis, the Florida teen who died of Covid 19 on June 23.


But this isn’t just another sad story of a life lost to pandemic mismanagement. Carsyn was deliberately exposed to the virus by her mother, given dubious treatments at home, including trump’s medicine of choice, hydroxychloroquine, before dying in pain at the hospital just two days after her seventeenth birthday.

In spite of the Maude Flanders header image, haha, I am angry, so angry, so sick at heart for this young woman. The mother she loved, trusted, led her like a lamb to slaughter on the altar of trump. And for what? Owning the libs, fighting the tyranny of masks? Love for a racist, narcissist whose own niece says is “incapable of growing, learning or evolving, unable to regulate his emotions, moderate his responses, or take in and synthesize information.”?

And in more SMDH Florida news, Ron DeSantis’ Education Commissioner, Richard Corcoran, has announced “All school boards and charter school governing boards must open brick and mortar schools in August at least five days per week for all students.”


trump, not to be outdone on the forced reopening, is threatening to deport international students whose college classes are entirely online.


Finally, Karen strikes again, this time in Northern California. I love this family – the dad who dubs her Ranger Karen, and the mom who throws the go back where you came from crap right back at her. And whoever edited the video. Make sure you watch the whole thing. The ending made me literally laugh out loud.

That’s it, happy Tuesday, stay hydrated.



  1. Sigh.  I’m glad that those folks pushed back.
    It’s funny how that archetype seems to think Asians are folks they can just shove around.  I’ve had the odd person come up to me and do something similar, but once in a while they discover that some of us have teeth.
    The worst was when that happened to me at work some five years ago.  Long story short, two levels of management decided they didn’t like me and tried to make my life a living hell.  Those stupid fucks thought that I wouldn’t fight back or I would break.  That would usually work because a lot of Asians don’t know how to play the “game” or mostly because they don’t want to cause trouble (my mom is most guilty of that in my family.)  If I had taken my mom’s advice on this matter (don’t fight back, be nice) then I would be a broken man right now.
    Problem for management is I’ve been bullied before so I get real vicious when I’m bullied.  I ended up in a public way kill my then supervisor’s (and his friends who helped him) career(s) via HR and a friendly director and later humiliated the manager in front of his peers several times.
    Management leaves me alone now.

    • I’m glad you pushed back too. No matter how many times I see these videos I’m still shocked by  how bold and ugly some, too many, people can be. 

      • I know. What is the fucking thought process here? Who deputizes themselves to harass other people? Have these assholes always been doing this, but now cellphones are exposing their shit? I’m an old white guy from the South and I can state with absolute certainty that it’s never once occurred to me to accost anyone that’s minding their own business. Much less falsely accuse them. 
        It’s time to start putting bodycams on all citizens, all the time. People aren’t going to stop this until the threat of exposure becomes too great. 

        • These sort of microaggressions happen with people of color every day. Before, it was easier to ignore it then to put it up on YouTube or Facebook, because (at least to me) the thought would be that “people are just going to say I did something wrong”.
          Now we’re at peak “EVERYONE IS SO SICK OF KAREN” so it makes it that much easier to actually film this shit and show how much horse shit we have to deal with on a daily basis, just in the course of trying to live a normal life.

          • The ongoing microaggresions must be exhausting. That’s why I admire the family’s ability to hold on to their sense of humor. Making the Karens the butt of the joke is a great strategy. Refusing to take them seriously takes away their power. But I do worry about them becoming more unhinged and violent.

          • I know, and I’m sorry. I keep telling this story, but I never really understood this until a friend started posting on Facebook about every time he was stopped driving while black, basically weekly. I never realized what he faced every single day. And when you add to that the very real possibility that a stupid unnecessary traffic stop could lead to the driver or passengers getting killed, it’s overwhelming.
            And that’s just cops. It’s not even factoring in obnoxious self-appointed racist “guard dogs” who somehow think they are protecting their “turf” or some shit.

        • “Have these assholes always been doing this, but now cellphones are exposing their shit?”
          Yes, they ALWAYS were.
          But yes, too, now they are being filmed *and* those videos are being posted online.
          It was a LOT easier back before ubiquitous cameras, for folks to be racist asshats and get away with it. That’s how so many of them grew the balls they have to constantly do this…
          That’s also why they scurry & flee so quickly, like “Beth” above, when they realize they’re being recorded.

    • You’re very fortunate to have advocates in your company who actually understand this shit.  I’ve worked for way too many companies that have the approach of, “if someone is complaining about their treatment then we need to get rid of the complainer.” I had a boss who was toxic as hell and I was unable to protect one of my people from her crazy bullshit.  There were meetings with HR in which the psychotic behavior was laid bare…but my boss was “protected” and so I lost a good employee and learned to keep my head down.  It took waiting until the crazy boss retired for morale to pick up again.

    • Fluffy is going to be my emotional support animal today. If I get angry or,frustrated I’ll  fast forward to the Fluffy bit of the video. I’m glad this family was able to keep their sense of humor. I don’t know that I could have. 

    • Maybe charges will be filed. This is clearly negligence and child endangerment. Other people have been prosecuted for not providing proper care for their children. I’m not hopeful, but maybe. 

      • YES. That was my first thought too. You take a kid with an immune disorder and a history of health issues (including cancer) to a ‘COVID party’ with 100+ unmasked kids? And then when she got sick you give her azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine, and her grandpa’s oxygen medicine while refusing to take her to the hospital for a week? What the fuck?

        Even more scary?

        The medical examiner wrote that Carsyn’s parents gave her azithromycin as a preventive measure from June 10 to 15. … According to the report, Brunton Davis is a nurse and a man identified as Carsyn’s father is a physician assistant.

        Who the fuck employs those bozos? And in the medical field…

      • Negligence, endangerment, and HOW was that medicine obtained?🤨🤨🤨
        Were they prescribing w/o guidance, because it was their kid–and who was the “approving” physician–since Mom was a nurse & Dad was a Physician’s Assistant…🤔

    • Forcing the schools to reopen is nuts.They are, of course, not doing anything serious to deal with the health issues or the remote learning needs.
      And from a political standpoint, it’s a death wish. When all of the new infections start running their course, they will be getting headlines of sick kids and shutdown schools in the weeks right before the election. Biden is already ahead, and this only locks in his margin even more, and all of the down ballot races swing more toward the Democrats. In the runup to redistricting, no less.
      But if Florida could be the best state in nation in responding to the virus I’d take it, even if meant Trump won the state in a landslide. Playing around with schools just to own someone is pathological.

  2. Nice job on the DOT, Hannibal.  Always enjoy your posts.
    I’m going to bet that Trump’s idiotic proclamation to throw out all the foreign college students who don’t attend in-person classes will find itself on the receiving end of an injunction and/or dismissal.  The universities themselves stand to lose a shitload of money because those foreign students pay full freight to attend, so they have just as much standing to file suit as the students themselves.  And it’s not just going to be those lily-livered Ivy League schools either, so when Trump’s 200 federal judges start hearing cases from their alma maters at the University of Alabama and University of Texas, they’ll probably pay attention.

  3. wow….parent of the year that one….kinda looks to me like she was trying to kill her daughter…but with all the religious mentions going about i guess i cant discount her counting on god to save her…if trump doesnt…
    anyhoo…i just learnt florida has brain eating amoebas….im blaming that 

    • I got a Munchausen’s By Proxy vibe. I bet she was enjoying the attention from her right wing nut job friends for treating the poor child at home, without interference from doctors and scientists. 

    • …in terms of added context I think perhaps there’s something to be said for looking at that source he couldn’t bring himself to finish reading?

      …heinlein is an awkward kind of author who had some interesting stuff mixed in with the things he’s generally seen to have been on the wrong side of & it’s been a long time since I read that book myself so I could be off-base…but with that said

      …he dashed the novel off (I think it came out in two parts but I forget if both were finished when the first was released) as a “response” to the US suspending nuclear testing…& while I think he drew a bunch of dubious conclusions about what that signified he had at least one idea in there that arguably is the foundation of the society that’s depicted which perhaps isn’t given the space in the film to make its consequences clear?

      …the new yorker piece quotes a passage about equating voting with violence but the context for it is that at some point the society has decided that only those who have demonstrated a willingness to put their life & limb in jeopardy for it by serving in the military deserve the full rights of citizenship – & in particular the right to vote

      …that such a principle should naturally lead to a brutally dystopian society that isn’t even well-placed to prosecute the one thing you might expect it to be (a war against a clearly identifiable enemy) seems obvious but seemingly wasn’t to the author who I’m fairly certain was looking to suggest that staying at the forefront of the arms race was the only sure way to guard against eventually being overrun by an enemy against whom conventional weapons were simply insufficient

      …but while we stare down the twin barrels of an implacable viral contagion & the sort of intellectual contagion that seems the only way to explain the persistence of the hardcore supporters of the cult of Dolt45 it seems clear that sometimes the conventional methods of opposition can prove insufficient…& at the same time, given the persistent suggestion that those levels of support are arguably highest in the rank & file of the military & law enforcement agencies it could be argued that were such a principle to be adopted where US elections are concerned it would indeed give him a better chance of a second bite of the cherry than he currently looks to have

      …in a sense it’s an interesting loop of paradoxes that both reinforce one another & yet stand in opposition almost to the point of seeming mutually exclusive…well, all right…to me it’s interesting…YMMV & all that

      …the film is pretty great (for the reasons outlined in the piece & perhaps some others that didn’t fit with the point they were making) but as an examination of the failure to examine the natural consequences of demanding that the bulk of a population accept that their society be shaped by a minority incapable of the necessary self-awareness to recognize the flaws at the root of their emergent issues are the very things they think of as their strengths it’s at the very least a salutary example?

      […there’s almost certainly a better/clearer way to say all that but I’m afraid all I had time for was off-the-top-of-my-head]


    • Wow, there’s a lot to think about in this. I never saw the movie because I hate Robert Heinlein. I didn’t know the movie was mocking the book.  I still don’t know if I’d want to see it after reading the article. It does sound like we’re living it. 

      Thanks for posting it.

      • …the film is kind of genius…& definitely a satire…but in a way it sort of plays the satire thing deadpan enough that I think when it was released it took a lot of people a while to see that side of it for what it was

        …so if it doesn’t appeal maybe don’t force yourself or anything…but if you come at it from the right angle it’s actually pretty funny?

        • I think I might enjoy it better at a future date, when someone different is running my country into the ground, a little slower. Ya know? I couldn’t watch Season 2 of Man In the High Castle for the same reason, even though I loved S1.

          • I had to stop that show for the same reason. Also had to stop playing Division 2 as it was suddenly way to close to being real. 
            I’ve also never seen Idiocracy and doubtful I ever will for similar reasons. From what I’ve heard, that movie is basically a documentary. 

          • …not to start making a habit of this but that’s another one where the source is interesting

            …being kind of a philip k dick fan I was probably biased but I thought the book was pretty great…although it had some odd jinks in the narrative… & later I think I read that he’d used the i ching to “decide” which way to take certain things as he went…so it’s interesting to see how the show took that material & tweaked it for a different medium

            …overall, though…it’s still a pretty satisfying narrative when it reaches its conclusion

            …I forget whether 2 seasons is all they had planned or if it’s going to run to 3+ but I can certainly see your point, either way

    • That idea has been put about by various GOP politicians, including former KY governor Matt Bevin. The church denies that it was an intentional Covid party, but they left whether or not there was social distancing up to the teens. And they didn’t oversee the event. And I could see that if every expert in the country wasn’t arguing against it. But what really infuriates me is the treatment. The woman is an antivaxxer but trusted trump enough to give the poor girl hyroxycholorquinine? I just can’t wrap my head around it. I have some misgivings about Big Pharma myself, but who does she think make the drugs she gave her daughter? Nothing these Qanon and trumpers do makes sense to me.

      • Not sure how you mean.  There was no treatment per se, but for most kids it was pretty harmless.  Having chicken pox was kind of a rite of passage and our parents knew it was more harmful to get it when you were older, so when one kid got it everybody took their kids to visit.  Now there’s a vaccine so almost no one gets it anymore.

  4. oh by the by…completely offtopic for a sec
    i just got around to watching kipo…im on episode 5 now….its really quite entertaining lol
    cheers for the rec 🙂
    now if i could just get netflix to stop reverting to dutch dubs after every episode….that’d be grand…

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