Hope you’re having a great week. Sorry today’s DOT is a little tweet heavy; I was super busy yesterday.
Feel free to fill out the DOT in the comments…
Well this could be interesting!
Thanks I hate it
Best time of year to come see me! I’m taking my friends on a pedicab tour next Friday; hoping there’s still some blossoms!
Washington’s cherry blossoms are in peak bloom
I thought this was fun and interesting:
Henry Rollins: ‘I wouldn’t go back on stage with a band for anything’
Have a great day!
Jeff Thomas’s death received a lot of local coverage, and I didn’t understand why, since he was LA-based and met his end in Miami. A brother almost immediately issued a statement saying he was having addiction and emotional issues. Others said he was perfectly content and at least one speculated that he might have died while taking a selfie. Now we must ask ourselves, “How many of these friends and family members got Trump-level sums of hush money from Peter Thiel to create this fog of uncertainty around a death which, while tragic and somewhat unusual, really would have otherwise passed without notice?”
In unrelated news, high culture is thriving in New York, as the arrival of this traveling exhibition will attest:
Google glass! Remember that?
It’s the Streisand Effect combined with Agatha Christie!
Correct me if I am wrong (quite often) but tiktok is no more of an issue than Facebook or Instagram, in that they track information to make money. Are they not making a villain out of TikTok because it is from China?
That’s my take, also. Hell, I’ve got Alexa listening to my every word. TikTok isn’t even on my list of privacy worries.
My understanding (which is limited) is that TikTok is owned by ByteDance, which is based in Beijing, and that the Chinese government has certain…requirements for companies doing business in China. So, there’s a level of paranoia that TikTok user info can simply be collected by the government.
Now, for my part, I’m not a social media user in general, and I sure as shit wouldn’t use TikTok just based on knowing how much actual information the app collects on its users. I’m not worried about the Chinese government–I just don’t want these fuckers at Bytedance making money off of my data, and opening me up to fucktons of spam.
Musk gets a huge amount of funding from sketchy overseas sources, including in China, both for Twitter and the rest of his companies. Focusing solely on TikTok is silly.
Twitter and Facebook aren’t simply harvesting data, they’ve enabled violent repression in other countries.
Yes, but if they really want to compare apples-to-apples, then they need to talk about the national security implications. That’s their line of attack with TikTok, so it naturally brings up all of the Russian interference shit with Twitter and Facebook. The problem, of course, is that Twitter and Facebook aren’t Chinese companies, so we won’t really dig that deeply.
I saw Rollins once and he must have some kind of Mr. Hyde thing going on when he gets on stage. This girl was crowd surfing and got dumped on the stage and he kicked the snot out of her.
Another reason for him not to be in a band anymore. I’ve heard similar stories.
Orange Man making threats.
Trump warns of ‘potential death & destruction’ if he is charged in hush-money case
Related: Manhattan DA tells Gym Jordan “fuck off,” “fuck off again,” “fuck right off,” and “when you’re finished with that fuck off, go fuck yourself.”
‘Unlawful’: Manhattan DA stiff-arms House GOP info request on Trump case
The press has completely blown this story.
They did the usual pogo stick routine — jump to disseminate his lie about the Tuesday arrest unfiltered, then slowly work to add in the detail after the coordinated rollout of GOP outrage was already in the works, and then followup with reporting on the GOP outrage machine that haphazardly worked to refute the Tuesday lie.
They’ve been doing this routine for years. TRUMP ANNOUNCES HE WILL BUILD WALL. Uh, upon reflection, building a wall is unlikely. GOP RALLIES TO TRUMP’S WALL CALL. Hmm, maybe this sounds like posturing….
They know he’s a liar, and they know the GOP is primed to amplify his lies. Never report anything he or the party says without heavy caveats and cast doubt immediately. Anything else is bias, not straight reporting.
…was a little late getting to this part yesterday
…but…let’s not sleep on the grifting angle
…it’s pulled in donations like few things have for him lately…& if you look at truth social in that light…someone a whole lot smarter than I take him to be figured out ways for him to take more out of that than you’d credit…there’s some smarts hiding out in that mess somewhere but they’re easy to miss
…the podcast talks about guo wengui & some other stuff…but the interview with hugo lowell would be about the stuff he wrote up for the guardian & showed up as one of the links I gave myo for that DOT the other day
Grift is certainly one piece, although the guy operates like some kind of minimally conscious creature like a sea cucumber. Every time he’s threatened he expels a cloud of distracting elements to confuse and horrify pursuers. Like a sea cucumber, some of it’s just junk and some of it is actual internal organs.
…very true…I’m only harping on the SPAC thing because despite the part where it got nixed (you’re not allowed to have pre-gamed who you’re going to fold it into when you set those up) the way that would have unfolded if it had gone through (& there were various entities floating around who would have gone along for the ride had they stayed in the game) he literally would have been double or triple dipping on the back end
…he may have a lifetime’s practice in grifting that have given him instincts about how to maximize a dodgy bit of dealing but that is way more astute than anyone in his immediate orbit gives any impression of being
…which leaves me wondering who sketched the whole thing out for him/them?
When I went to my parents’ house this past Sunday, my mom commented that my sister was taking a business trip to Bethesda, Maryland, and I was vaguely jealous because I’d love to hang out.
Hope she has a good trip and gets to enjoy the blossoms!
Next time, Perdido!
Hell, I still have my SmarTrip card from the two visits that I’ve made to (what I finally sussed out that people were talking about when they talked about) the DMV, and the public transit obsessive in me recalls that I can take the MARC train from BWI to Union Station in DC and then hit the Red Line ’til I get up there. That’s at least doable in theory, right?
(And not to leave Dear Cousin out of this, because I’ve pondered taking the M60 bus from LaGuardia and then the 6 train from 125th Street for similar purposes.)
How thoughtful! You’re always welcome. I live on the west side so you will be spared the 6 train, which is my least favorite of all of New York’s 29 or 33 or however many subway lines there are. It’s way too crowded and freaky, despite serving, somewhat, the easternmost Upper East Side. It always has been, at least since I moved here during the La Guardia administration.
Holy shit, that Thiel story. I knew about none of this.
Fuck Alabama & fuck the police!
I really need Anita!
Sprots! Go Zags!
For all those with strong feelings about cilantro: Pizza Hut has your pizza covered.
All the stars.
Does this mean that Rollins has raised the white flag on playing in a band?
soooo…whats your take on this one then?
i mean… not allowing without the parents consent…and forcing a block between 10:30pm and 6:30 pm
i can see some merit to that….
but you lost me at the and parents will be able to see all messages and private messages tho….i mean…i get wanting that shit for the very youngest…but man…. over..like…twelve?….thats a huge invasion of privacy
I think it’s great that parents have access. But that power has to be coupled with trust and a spoken agreement… Like I promise to never look at your msgs without letting you know and without just cause. My eldest is 5. I’ll let you know how that plays out in seven years from now.
when ours was 10 and got her ipad for school.. we had an agreement with her that we also got the pincode and full access
we never actually used it… beyond checking the pincode still worked
one day she changed it on us…. so she got into a load of shit for breaking the agreement
no idea what she was hiding…dont care
figure by then she was probably just bashing us…but rules is rules
cant really do much but hope we raised them right
the access was never more than a make em think twice thing
Yes exactly. It would only serve as a cautionary reminder that I can access your account. Not that I would.
im fine with the parental controls…but i think having access to everything should stop once they hit their teens… i mean… exactly when they become independent little humans in need of their own little private space to rant and rave and be who they want to be without parental oversight is up for debate i guess…
but it is well before 18
granted… the interwebs is a little more dangerous than the private diary of old…. but its our job to prepare them for that…not police them…no?
…I think I’m with hammerzeitgeist on this, more or less
…it’s pretty clear we’re rather imperfectly navigating out way towards understanding this stuff at what you might call an etiquette level…but for the function to be available seems like a legitimate ask?
…kids are plenty different…but in some cases I can see a case I’d have a hard time denying in terms of what might seem way over the line in principle?
…I never had to deal with a severe eating disorder directly…but I know a family with a daughter who’s well past 12 but has such severe issues with food that it’s distorted their whole life…not to mention put it at severe risk…at one point they were told the only recourse they have since she’s old enough to refuse treatment is to allow things to get so bad she passes out & parental consent is sufficient to resuscitate her…I know these folks & I can still barely imagine what that is to contend with
…& I’m familiar with the pernicious effect social media in concert with a variety of algorithms can have on young girls…if they’d had that kind of access when she was younger they might not have been able to avert all of what brought them to the place they find themselves but they might at least have been able to intervene earlier…when things would potentially have been more tractable…less entrenched…& saved all concerned a lot of heartache
…it’s clearly at risk of being abused…& I don’t know that (to take a recent extreme example) that a household which allowed their 6yr old to end up shooting a teacher is going to be one that could navigate that line…but in a world where older kids have been known to take out their frustrations by taking guns to school…I’m back to finding it hard not to see the argument for that being something available to parents?
…I guess ideally I imagine it might work on a similar principle to a panopticon…it’s not that there is constant surveillance…it’s that at any given time things could be observed…which would hopefully keep the kid in question a little nearer to the straight & narrow without stripping them of privacy in the general scheme of things?
…in that respect it isn’t so different from parental controls for other stuff…like youtube having a kids app…or being able to fence off what can be accessed on various devices to keep things age-appropriate…& I’m inclined to think something along the lines of training wheels for the internet & such is probably something it would be helpful to a lot of parents & kids to have
…whether this specific proposal would actually do that stuff…as opposed to give a different sort of parent an ability to make life hell for a non-cis &/or non-hetero kid…or one that found themselves in need of an abortion…is maybe a whole other bunch of difficult questions?
my reply to @hammerzeitgeist was actually meant for you…. but it works in either case…so you know…look up for the reply
…I think you’re right…in the vast majority of cases…the family I mentioned is what I’d think of as an edge case…though I can’t help thinking from some of the stuff I read about teens & the post-lockdown era perhaps not as rare as I’d wish it to be…& I could see the right/ability to retain a different sort of access…or something like a power of attorney for consent stuff…might be a thing it would be good for those in those sorts of circumstances to be able to call on
…whereas if you don’t have any of that on your plate then you’d probably be content to step further back sooner…I know a fair few kids who are more than savvy enough that I wouldn’t worry about what they’re up to being any worse than what we were at their age
…less in some ways…this pics or it didn’t happen thing broke in our favor, the way I see it…in a landlines-only world parents had to find you first…& that omertà business had nothing on the no-snitching stance I remember the kids “in my day” practicing?
there is no perfect solution here….every kid is different..every situation is different… you really cant make a law that doesnt somehow work out badly for some
on the average tho…..i lean towards they need their privacy
…very much with you on that part…the trouble with some of this stuff is that it’s hard not to want to make things better for the extreme cases…but legislating based on edge cases is almost always a recipe for shitty laws
…if I had the answer to that one I imagine I’d be in enough demand to not have time to spare for shooting the breeze with you fine folks, though
…swings & roundabouts & all that?
Biggest concern I have is that for any child being abused their abuser will be able to see if they ask for help or are trying to plan getting out.