Gratitude [NOT 22/11/22]

Hi, friends!

I hope your day is going well. The neighbor’s car alarm went off repeatedly last night, so I’m dragging ass today.

Topic of the NOT is what are you grateful for lately? I’m very grateful that several coworkers are taking tomorrow and Friday off in addition to the Thanksgiving holiday this week. Because my days will be much nicer if I don’t have to interact with them until next week.

Also, super grateful that caffeine exists due to the aforementioned car alarm situation last night. I am going to bed early tonight to try to get more rest!



  1. I’m just really grateful for pizza. Had some amazing pizza last night, and finished the leftovers today. Thanksgiving dinner is great and all, but I’m very grateful that pizza is a year-round thing.

      • Yep. BabySmacks is 18. Horrifying, isn’t it?? Lol. I remember posting the occasional picture on the old GT of him with his long, curly, blond hair.

        Oldest is 24, LittleSmacks2 is 21, and LittleSmacks3 is 19. All my babies are all grown up!

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