Irrational opinions [NOT 29/4/24]

The Dude drinks a white Russian
You're not wrong.

Hi, friends!

Do you have any irrational opinions? Things that really don’t matter but you have opinions on?

Walnuts are shitty nuts and pecans are always better. I said what I said.

Closed-toe shoes are the worst. If it’s above freezing outside, I’d prefer to be in sandals.

DC comic movies aren’t as entertaining as Marvel ones, because Batman and Superman are boring.

Thursdays are the worst day of the work week.



  1. I have so many. So, so many. But not as many as Better Half who, despite being healthy as a horse, is an incorrigible hypochondriac. He also believes that he has at least three medical degrees and is more than qualified to diagnose me. “You need to go to the hospital.” “I had the windows open. It’s pollen.” “I’m calling an ambulance. You need to go to an emergency room.” “I have a stomach bug and it’s a slight bout of diarrhea.”

    I can’t tell you how irritating this is. I actually had to leave my medical practice of 25+ years because he joined it and behind my back would make appointments for me. They’d come around and I’d skip them, because I didn’t make them and might not have been told they were made for me, and I’d get dinged for missed appointments. Common summer cold? Get BH to make a dr’s appt. for 4 weeks out, long after it’s over, because it could be brain cancer (?) but of course I didn’t know of such an appt. and I (well, BH) was wasting everyone’s time.

    Now I feel liberated because BH doesn’t know how to contact my roving cast of medical-industrial professionals, he just eavesdrops. “Did I just hear you reschedule an appointment?”

    “Yes, because it was a private-insurance ‘just-in-case’ test with a follow-up, a total cash grab, and no one has time for that, especially me, because I have a huge deadline two nights before. You can have my slot if you want. It might be still open.”

    • That would be so annoying. I have a friend who has a similar obsession with eating “clean” and like some days anything someone is eating is just “well it has this and that and the other thing and you know you can’t digest those well and they make your metabolism slow down” etc etc etc.

      So any time there’s a headache or body ache or whatever, it’s because of the food/not clean food/supplements etc etc. 

      Listen, I’m already fat. I’m enjoying these Cheez-Its, I know they’re not healthy. They’re not why I have a headache, the annoying coworkers and lack of sleep are why I have the headache. 

      • Did I ever tell you…I too am a fan of a good, well-turned Cheez-it. There are many varieties but my favorites, the white cheddar versions, are in short supply. But then one of the new supermarkets started carrying huge boxes of them at sharply discounted rates. Which you would think would be a blessing, except that if they go the slightest bit stale they smell like gym socks and kind of taste like them, although I’ve never chewed on a gym sock. That I know of.

    • She was definitely one of the sexiest women of my pre puberty days.  Barbara Eden being the other.  Maybe I just wanted to marry a witch or genie but….

  2. My whole life is irrational opinions if you listen to my wife.  Though she tried to convince me that the Australian & NZ flags were not just different in color scheme of stars but one of them had Union Jack on left & other on right.  We were looking at the flags at the time & I pointed out that wasn’t how flags work.

  3. I love all animals, except salamanders. Pick a lane, be a frog or a snake, no in-between. I just don’t get them and they freak me out.



    • They *are* a bit slimy!

      But no one manages that black & orange Halloween look *quite* as well in ONE body!😉

      Just think of them as *moving* Halloween Decorations?

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