Stupid Injuries [NOT 27/4/24]

This week I crippled myself by using my right foot as a hammer when I used it to lock a wheel lock that would not easily lock. One would think that I would be smart enough to avoid using my foot as a tool, but I was annoyed and frustrated which meant I wasn’t really thinking.

I am not proud of the fact I spent two days at home nursing a swollen foot and really couldn’t do much.

So Deadsplinterers… what parts of your body have you hurt for not the smartest of reasons?



    • There’s one step at work that I always seem to hit on the wrong angle once every two weeks and I stumble on it. I’m guessing a certain part of the step is higher than it is supposed to be causing it to be uneven.

      I’ve read the cruelest thing you can do to anyone is make uneven steps. Guaranteed to break some bones.

  1. also i has this print 0n me coffee mug

    was a gift from the fil

    dude had me pegged as a stoner

    he was wrong…i quit weed years ago

    now coke and speed?

    yeah,,,,,i quit those years ago too

    i just naturally look stoned as fuck

  2. Oh no I’m sorry to hear about your foot! I hope the swelling goes down and the bruising heals quickly.

    I think legitimately the stupidest thing I ever did was in grad school I was moving and I had some of those cheapy particle board bookshelves. One was swaying in the wind while propped on a hill, and I remember thinking oh no I can’t afford to replace that if it falls and breaks…so I took off running after it and pop-pop-pop-pop-pop managed to tear a calf muscle somehow doing it.

  3. Multiple times I have grabbed a pot barehanded out of the oven. There’s the terrible moment when I realize I’m burning my hand but I have to gut it out to get it up to the stove or else drop it on my feet.

    • What always gets me is that my parents have a pot and pan set that looks almost the same as mine. But key difference – the metal handles on my pots and pans don’t get bad hot and their pots and pans definitely get hot as fuck. More than once I’ve grabbed one of their pan handles and then frantically rushed to the sink to run cold water on my hand.

    • Gaaah!

      A painful choice between 2nd degree burns or making it worse.

      An acquaintance did something similar except chose poorly in a panic when he kicked open the kitchen outside door and threw a pot of burning noodles directly into a fierce wind.

      The wind won and he ended up having to deal with a small fire.

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